
Facility planning is at the core of what we do

Our team works with you on everything that happens before a shovel breaks ground.

Learn About Our Capital Improvement Planning Software
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Facility Assessment

Before developing a plan, you need to understand your needs. A comprehensive facility assessment optimizes long-term facility investments. We identify building conditions and needs, review and consolidate facility data, create a detailed assessment, and provide recommendations.

Space Utilization and Capacity Analysis

Maximizing space for your people is critical. We analyze your current and potential spaces, square footage, building capacity, and people to increase performance and find workable alternatives.

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Asset Plans

A comprehensive review of all building assets and systems helps improve efficiency. We analyze those assets, understand their lifecycle, and provide costs and recommendations.

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Pre-Referendum Services

Communicating to your residents well is paramount to a successful referendum. Our team collaborates with you on timely, informational, strategic, and creative communications campaigns to ensure success. In the last decade, our team has helped pass over $2.4 billion in voter-approved referendums.

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Strategic Procurement

Our approach to strategic procurement works alongside your financial and operational leaders. We focus on material supply, identify cost-saving opportunities, develop a sourcing strategy, and negotiate with suppliers.

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Funding Analysis

We focus on maximizing each dollar spent. We help identify, structure, and evaluate all potential funding options to ensure the most cost-effective and beneficial way to finance your improvements.

Our Strategic Approach to Facilities Planning
01.Organize & Engage

We like to start each planning effort by listening and getting to know you, your goals, and what you expect from the process.

02.Establish Current Reality

Getting to know you and your stakeholders is key. Through surveys, interviews, and one-on-one conversations, we will establish a baseline from which decisions will be made.

03.Define & Quantify Needs

Taking the time necessary to accurately identify and assess all of your needs is critical to the success of every planning and project effort.

04.Develop Options

There are always multiple ways to achieve your goals. We will work with you to identify and evaluate numerous alternatives in an effort to ensure that you arrive at the solutions.

05.Analyze & Communicate

Careful analysis and proactive communication to all stakeholders will assist in establishing a clear understanding of your needs and solutions.


Once a comprehensive plan and solutions have been developed, the fun will begin as we work collaboratively with you to turn your plans into reality.