Our team celebrated local voters’ approval of two building bond referendum questions on Tuesday, November 5, 2024—$24.175 million for Cook County Public Schools and $8.9 million for Kingsland Public Schools. Explore the details of each project below.
Vikings Vision: Cook County Public Schools
Residents of Cook County Public Schools approved one of three building bond referendum questions on Election Day. Question One, which totals $24.175 million, will focus on upgrading various spaces in the district’s PreK-12 facility.
Specific improvements include building a dedicated, secure main entrance and centralized student services center, upgrading the cafeteria, common areas, library, bathrooms, and select classrooms, and adding a gymnasium, a fitness room, locker rooms, a health/training room, and an ADA-compliant playground for grades K-5. Additional improvements include completing deferred maintenance, such as replacing aging air conditioning units, water heaters, windows, doors, flooring, and exterior pavements. Solar panels will also be added to reduce energy costs.

Preserve Kingsland, Protect the Future: Kingsland Public Schools
Kingsland district residents voted “yes” to one of two building bond referendum questions on Tuesday, November 5, which will implement $8.9 million of critical facility improvements to the district’s building.
Specific improvements include replacing the existing roof except for the gymnasium, completing various building envelope repairs on portions of the facility, replacing aged windows on various portions of the facility, upgrading and repairing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in portions of the lower level of the building, repairing and replacing select existing curbs and sidewalks and repairing, resealing, and re-striping existing asphalt areas of their parking lots. In addition, the bond includes completing improvements to their playground to improve safety, repairing and replacing the existing outdoor recess, physical education, and athletic equipment storage buildings, and replacing outdated and aging doors, door hardware, and flooring.

Since 2006, ICS has focused on building strong connections with public schools through comprehensive long-range planning, facility and educational adequacy assessments, pre-referendum communications, and more. We’re passionate about partnering with school districts like yours from the very beginning to help transform your facilities for generations to come.
Over the last decade, our team members have helped pass over $2.4 billion in voter-approved referendums across Minnesota. Wherever you are in the planning process, our team is ready to help you implement changes in your district–just like Cook County and Kingsland.
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