To Whom It May Concern:
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for ICS Consulting and Mr. Kyle Walter, Project Manager.
ICS is the complete package. Their staff is knowledgeable in finance, educational programming, communications, and construction. At all stages, our Administration and School Board worked with ICS staff who shared their expertise. Their professionalism and integrity are beyond reproach. As a firm, they are excellent communicators. They begin by listening. Kyle and staff have unique communication skills that allow work to happen with collaboration. They have the ability to make each individual they encounter feel as though he or she was the most important person in the room. They were available for Board work sessions, presentations, and phone calls whenever requested. As a School District, we felt like our project was front and center to the leadership at ICS. Their willingness to go above and beyond ensured that the results were more than the St. Cloud Area Schools could have imagined.
ICS has earned the support that I give them in this letter. I have witnessed first-hand the talent and energies necessary to be successful, and I am proud and pleased to recommend them. If I can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 320-370-8001.
Willie L. Jett II
St. Cloud Area School District

St. Cloud ICS Reference Letter – Willie Jett