IMPACT | Spring 2023


Making an Impact in the Becker Area

Our company’s goal is to impact students, staff, and community members beyond the facilities we help build. This past spring, we had three opportunities to do that with students at Becker Public Schools.

  • ICS, along with Bogart Pederson and Associates, presented to all 7th-grade students how surveying uses indirect measurements and how that knowledge ties into projects happening in their school.
  • ICS presented to the district’s 9th-grade welding class on best practices, proper welding, and structural inspection techniques.
  • ICS presented to Becker’s high school students about fundamental safety lessons, best practices, and proper safety protocols needed on a job site.

Becker Public Schools is proud to provide an expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) program, and we’re honored to have the opportunity to shine a light on possible career opportunities these students may consider in the future.

Project Groundbreakings

Breaking ground marks the start of an exciting project milestone. Recently, our team celebrated alongside several clients as they embark on various additions, renovations, and new construction projects that will ultimately impact their students, staff, and community.

Lake Superior Public School District | William Kelley High School

Residents and community members in the Lake Superior area celebrated two groundbreaking ceremonies on Wednesday, June 7. Stemming from a successful $44.1 million referendum in November 2021, this project will make key infrastructure improvements to both William Kelley High School and Minnehaha Elementary School.

These improvements will focus on meeting modern health, safety, and educational standards and ensuring students receive a 21st-century learning experience. Learn more here.

Photography credit: SILVERMAN BE REMARKABLE 

Nashwauk-Keewatin Public Schools

District staff, media, students, and community members celebrated Nashwauk-Keewatin’s groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday, May 30. Residents of Nashwauk-Keewatin Public Schools approved two ballot questions totaling $47.7 million in February 2022 that will build a new PreK-12 school building and adjacent community wellness center.

Replacing the district’s existing buildings that were built in the 1920s, the new facility will feature appropriately sized classrooms for general education, art, band, music, and special education, as well as small group work areas and workspace for career and technical education. The school would also feature a media center, two full-sized gymnasiums, a kitchen, and a cafeteria. Learn more here.


Grand Rapids Area Schools – Big Fork School

Breaking ground on improvements for Big Fork School took place on Thursday, May 18. The project includes adding a community fitness and wellness center, locker room space and related amenities, storage space, showers, HVAC improvements, public restrooms accessible from the Bigfork River Walk Trail and outdoor events, storage space for the Edge Center for the Arts, and updated education and academic spaces. Learn more here.

Anoka County’s New Emergency Communications Centerand Radio Shop

On April 10, Anoka County broke ground on a milestone facility for their local community. The county’s new emergency communications center and radio shop will be increased to over 42,000 square feet and provide expanded dispatch workstations, other support areas, and expanded radio shop vehicle maintenance bays to support the county’s staff and provide ample sunlight for county staff as previous operations were conducted in the existing facility’s windowless basement. Learn more here.

Photography credit: Anoka County

Lake Superior Public School District | Minnehaha Elementary School

Residents and community members in the Lake Superior area celebrated two groundbreaking ceremonies on Wednesday, June 7. Stemming from a successful $44.1 million referendum in November 2021, this project will make key infrastructure improvements to both William Kelley High School and Minnehaha Elementary School.

These improvements will focus on meeting modern health, safety, and educational standards and ensuring students receive a 21st-century learning experience. Learn more here.


Staples-Motley School District

ICS celebrated alongside Staples-Motley School District on Thursday, May 18. This summer, the elementary school’s improvements include relocating and reconstructing the parent drop-off/pick-up lanes and bus loop, renovating and expanding the existing kitchen and gymnasium, completing asbestos removal throughout the building, and renovating existing classrooms.

Photography credit: Staples-Motley School District

Brandon-Evansville Public Schools

Groundbreaking ceremonies were held for both the Brandon and Evansville campuses on Wednesday, May 3. Residents said “yes” to a $14.5 million single-question bond referendum in 2021 to make various improvements across the district.

Upgrades to the Brandon campus include a secured entrance/administrative office addition, a Career Technical Education (CTE) shop addition, a new gymnasium, a fitness center, a bus garage, renovations to the existing administrative office space and classrooms, additional parking space, and various deferred maintenance improvements. Upgrades to the Evansville campus include a new secured entrance/administrative office, a small classroom addition, various deferred maintenance improvements, and demolition of the 1917/1939 portion of the existing facility. Learn more here.

Photography credit: Brandon-Evansville Public Schools

Park Rapids Area Schools

ICS celebrated alongside Park Rapids Area Schools on Tuesday, June 13. Local voters approved a $51.65 million single-question referendum in November 2021. The plan will improve security district-wide, expand the Park Rapids Area High School, and add space for Career and Technical Education (CTE). The plan would realign grades, create another drop-off and pick-up loop, and build a new bus garage. Learn more here.


Volunteering With the Kids in Need Foundation

The Kids in Need Foundation helps create equitable learning spaces by distributing supplies and resources and investing in teachers and students in underserved schools. Their impact, locally and nationwide, is a mission that we are passionate about.

Along with staff from our sister company, CMTA, our team members successfully packed 1,156 backpacks for students in various schools across the area.

Thank you to those that participated in furthering KINF’s mission of reaching students!

Andy Faulkner, Ashlie Kuehn, Bryce Kinniry, Ekalath Sophaphanh, Eryn Sorensen, John Stelten, Kristin Duerr, Lindsay Sather, Nicole Graf, and Scott Litchy.

Take Your Child To Work Day

Each year, thousands of children across the United States step into the shoes of their parents on National Take Your Child to Work Day. This past April, our Pennsylvania team gave their children a first-hand look at the Upper Dublin School District construction site.

The children also had the opportunity to meet with various engineers, contractors, and construction managers involved in the project. Our team enjoyed having them with us throughout the day!

Donny & Brad in Becker
Park Rapids Walk
Duluth CMTA-Legence walkers2
Brainerd Safety Jeopardy
MicrosoftTeams-image (32)

National Construction Safety Week

Our team participated in National Construction Safety Week at the beginning of May. We enjoyed daily stretches, step challenges, safety trivia, distracted driving demonstrations, CPR training, a safety coloring contest, an employee appreciation lunch, and an at-home safety scavenger hunt to involve our family members and loved ones in learning more about the importance of safety.

Our Safety Director, Donny Hines, added, “At ICS, we are committed to safety, which encompassed this year’s theme of strong voices-safe choices.”