K-12 Schools

ICS Receives Special Note of Thanks From Rush-Peterson Public Schools
Dear ICS Employees, On behalf of our students, staff, parents, and communities, it's my pleasure and privilege to extend to you a special note of thanks to all of you for our new school. Through your commitment, dedication and hard...
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An Auditorium in Evansville? B-E School District Looking At Options
This article originally appeared in the Echo Press. Emotions were in high gear at Wednesday night’s Brandon-Evansville School Board work session. They surfaced when the question of keeping two schools or going to a one-school model was raised by Lori...
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Preliminary Pleasantview plan unveiled; cost set at about $35 million
This article originally appeared in the SC Times. Sauk Rapids-Rice school district has the first preliminary plan for a new Pleasantview Elementary School, which would cost about $35 million and serve almost 800 students. District administrators invited community members to two ice...
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Aitkin School Board Discusses Goals and Operations at Work Session
Article originally posted on Aitkinage.com. As Aitkin Schools prepare for a transition in leadership with the incoming superintendent, the school board met to discuss the future of the district during a work session on June 13. Among the topics of focus were board...
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School Board Work Session Focuses on District Needs
ICS reviewed the facility task force’s findings with the Litchfield School board at a special work session on June 5. The consultants and task force completed the research, study and reporting phases of the referendum process, leaving the board and ICS consulting to...
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Summer Construction 2019 – We’re Ready For You!
Summer 2019 is going to be our busiest that ICS has ever seen, and we are locked in and ready to go! Lots of exciting projects are getting underway, but we couldn't do it without our fantastic project partners. ISD...
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Referenda Success with ICS: The Story Behind the Numbers
K-12 school districts need advocates to guide them through the complex process of passing referenda. ICS team members have worked with and for school districts on referenda for more than 50 years, striving to help students, staff, and communities come...
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Mountain View School District – A Rural Community Case Study
“The consideration, competence, responsiveness, reliability, and expertise shown by ICS made a potentially stressful project for staff quite manageable. The project manager instilled trust and confidence by stating that they would not be finished with the project until the district...
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9 Reasons Why Good Bond Referendums Fail
During the spring of 2017, Minnesota school districts saw some of the worst results in 17 years. Only four bond referendums passed out of 16, a 25 percent win rate. Traditionally, the success rate is closer to 60 percent. Based...
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ICS and Hutchinson Public Schools Team Up for Hands-On High School Student Opportunity
Connecting high school education with future education and career opportunities is the goal of "TigerPath Academies. " Hutchinson Public Schools has pioneered a unique path program to provide their students with hands-on experience before entering the formative years of higher...
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